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因为他们工作职责的性质, public safety employees are exposed to traumas that can create opportunities for mental injuries. But there are strategies every city can put in place to help mitigate this risk. This guide will walk you through steps and considerations for addressing public safety mental health.

Creating a public safety mental health program is an organization’s responsibility. It can build a culture of wellness that will give employees permission to talk openly about mental health injuries and seek treatment for them before they become chronic conditions. The entire organization is responsible for creating this supportive work environment where employees feel “it’s OK to not be OK.” Providing a wellness program can also support morale, resiliency, retention, and job satisfaction.



五分之一的成年人将患有精神疾病, 根据全国精神疾病联盟.


Creating a successful public safety mental health culture starts with city leadership and public safety leadership working together to normalize the conversation regarding mental illness.
首先考虑一下你对精神疾病的个人感受. 将精神疾病视为一种精神伤害可能会有所帮助. 人们从伤痛中痊愈,精神创伤是可以治疗的.
由市行政等部门领导, 火, 警察, 人力稳定的十大彩票网站, and finance should meet and discuss what it means to be an organization that supports mental health. 决定谁是警察, 火 and 人力稳定的十大彩票网站 should participate in a public safety mental wellness working group.

Organizational wellness is not a program; it’s a philosophy.


Prior to the meeting have all group members review the 明尼苏达城市联盟 PTSD and Mental Health Toolkit for public safety, 专注于 保持你的部门良好的部分.


  • 为什么精神疾病很难谈论?
  • 你怎么看待精神疾病?
  • How can we as leaders normalize the conversation about mental illness?
  • 我们是否支持健康实践?
  • Do we have an environment where people with mental illness will seek the internal and external help they need?
  • 如果没有,我们如何创造它?
  • Do our public safety employees feel like valued members of our city government and community?
  • 现在有什么样的健康策略?
  • Do we know what mental health resources are available for our public safety team?
  • 我们鼓励使用它们吗? 我们怎么知道它们在起作用呢?
  • Do we promote “positive gossip” about achievements and remind public safety personnel about their important purpose?


组建一个公共安全健康小组,帮助提供信息, 设计, 或者评估你的组织健康策略.

It’s important to think about creating a culture that supports wellness from the bottom up, 在领导的大力支持下. Consider including team members who will champion your work: line-level officers, 消防队员, 文职人员, 工会代表(s), 培训人员, 监事, 非正式组织领导, 还有你的人力稳定的十大彩票网站团队成员.

  1. 从讨论这些问题开始:
    • 为什么我们要启动一个支持心理健康的项目?
    • 我们如何知道我们的努力是否成功?
    • 谁将被提供我们的项目?
    • 我们有强有力的领导支持来开展这项工作吗?
    • 我们是想使用内部稳定的十大彩票网站还是供应商?
  • 我们的预算是多少??
  • 我们希望参与是强制性的还是自愿的?
  • 我们愿意改变我们的部门文化吗?
  • 如果我们不建立一个项目,我们能承受后果吗?

2. 为公共安全部门的雇员进行心理健康调查. Questions should allow for employees to reflect on their perception of their own mental health, 以及他们对公司健康文化的看法.

Be mindful of language about mental health; avoid using words like “crazy” or “insane.”


鼓励团队成员回顾 工具箱健康材料.


使用来自员工心理健康调查的信息, your wellness team can now 设计 a plan to create or enhance a culture that supports the mental health of public safety employees.

  • 定义你计划的愿景、目标、目的和行动步骤. 随着时间的推移,可能有必要逐步调整您的程序元素.
  • Research internal and external resources such as program models, community partners, and grants.
  • Here are some things to do when creating your plan: Review policies and practices surrounding mental health treatment and recovery, 比如休假政策, 药物政策, 以及胜任工作的能力, 目标是尽可能消除治疗障碍.
  • Review scheduling of shift workers to ensure there is adequate opportunity for rest and sleep.
  • Include opportunities for family members to learn about trauma-related mental health issues and how to support their public safety professionals.
  • Incorporate training of 监事 on how to provide emotional support, 以及如何与有心理健康问题的员工交谈.

Remind people often that mental illness is treatable and doesn’t have to define a life or end a career.

Think about framing the wellness plan as a way to care for the whole employee by including the following components into your program. 改编自. 丹尼尔·G. 阿门,“精神疾病的终结”

  • 目的:找到方法帮助员工专注于他们的使命. 拥有强烈的目标感可以增强适应力.
  • Physical: Provide information and scheduling that allows employees to get adequate sleep, 营养, 和锻炼.
  • 情感方面:建立同伴支持项目, 每年进行一次心理健康检查, 心理健康咨询课程, 创伤任务执行, 等.
  • 社交:通过参与公民俱乐部促进联系, 组织, 运动队, 爱好, 创造性的尝试, 工作之外的其他活动.
  • Inner Self: Remind people of the value of activities such as meditation, 太极, 祈祷可以恢复平静的感觉, 支持治疗.
  • Financial: Offer financial wellness advice and education through webinars, 研讨会, 部门培训及一对一理财咨询.


查看更多关于 心理健康策略 比如同伴支持、心理健康检查和家庭支持.


Deliberate and consistent communication with all stakeholders will be important to the success of your program. Use roll calls, briefings, memos, emails, and other means of communication. Ensure everyone understands the importance and the need for the mental health program. 为人们提供机会让他们的问题得到回答.


  • 设计部门专门针对心理健康进行培训, and the process for how mental health injuries will be handled in the organization.
  • Host a family event and invite a speaker to discuss the signs and symptoms of trauma-related mental injuries.
  • 举办一个健康博览会,包括健康检查等, 员工援助计划代表, 民间组织, 健康俱乐部, 瑜伽工作室, 营养信息.

Leaders can support mental health by modeling healthy behaviors and creating a work culture that is both accountable and compassionate.



检查 创造支持性工作环境部分 for tips on supporting your employees and communicating effectively.


Measuring the overall success of your wellness program should happen on a regular schedule and when your wellness team identifies a need to revisit an element of your plan. More frequent reviews can be a mix of quick check-ins with 监事 as well as more formal reviews and surveys. These questions can help your team evaluate the success of your program.


  • 员工使用这个程序吗?
  • 员工是否有兴趣加强该计划?
  • 员工会推荐这个项目吗?


  • 员工满意度总体上提高了吗?
  • 病假和旷工减少了吗?
  • 健康保险和工人赔偿费用下降了吗?

Keep mental health information and help resources visible in your break rooms, 更衣室, 以及你部门的其他领域.


袖珍公共安全健康指南 可以打印和共享吗.